I haaaaaaaaate cooking! Sometimes I think about the fact that we’re supposed to feed our kids every day for 20 years and it blows my mind. I do the same dinners as you - fish sticks or chicken nuggets in the over, some kind of fruit, leftover rice or Mac n cheese and whatever other random crap I can find quickly. Thankfully her school does breakfast and lunch or I’d be toast ☠️

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Agree- knowing I’m only 8 years in feels so painful…..I hate cooking and also feel that dread when work ends. Meal kits don’t help- still hate it.

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As a mum of 3 littles, currently not engaged in paid work and thus a free subscriber, I am personally so thrilled you will be bringing more out from behind the paywall. The incredible community of mums I find myself surrounded by are worth their weight in gold and I believe the more connections (in person or online) made on this premise, the better :)

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Loved this, I like the idea of cooking more than the actual act. There always seems to be a minimum of 8 ingredients missing from what was advertised as an 'easy, you all have these in your pantry already 30-minute dinner' recipe. It does make me sad sometimes as I have always felt great comfort in the smells and tastes of my mom (who is a wonderful Filipina cook), when she made certain meals and I feel bad that I don't really have any of those...things..

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Biggest stress of my day. Thanks for putting words to this!!

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I SO feel this. Nothing strikes the fear of god in me like realizing I have to feed my kids AGAIN.

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Love this. All the thoughtless choices that brought me to this sunny spot!!!! ❤️❤️

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So much to love in this letter!

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